In 1989, a new production plant was built in Cambria, California. Jim’s older brother, Bob Blackburn, was placed in charge of the company’s west coast production facility. In December of 1989, the original building in Neligh, NE was converted into office space and Jim’s brother-in-law, Don Gartner, joined the company as sales and marketing manager.


By 1980, the number of printed flags had grown fivefold to 8,711,600 printed flags. One employee printed all those flags. Bud retired and Jim took over as President/CEO of the company. An additional production facility was erected on the site and annual sales grew to 80,190,200 flags.


Once of the first competitive challenges confronting Jim was the introduction of small marking flags printed with custom logos and messages. In meeting this challenge, Jim formed a printing company as a subsidiary of Blackburn Manufacturing. To run the subsidiary, he brought in Mr. Bill Lawson who had experience silk screening plastic flags. In 1975,…


In 1973, Jim Blackburn, son of the founder, returned from the navy and joined the company to assist his father with some of managerial duties.


In 1962, the company increased its flag machines and wire cutters to four. It seemed Blackburn Manufacturing was in business to stay.